Age Of War 2

Age of Wars 2 is a strategy war game set in the age of the cavemen. Start as mere cavemen, and then advance your way through the ages in an epic struggle to defeat your opponent in Age of War 2, the sequel to the successful strategy/defense game. While the goal may be simple—destroy the enemy base—you have to prevent yours from being destroyed, too. To do this, you’ll need to spawn units from the selection in the top right. You’ll earn gold and experience as you go, and you can upgrade your units, build defensive turrets, activate special abilities, and of course, advance your age. INSTRUCTIONS To play Age of Wars 2, the controls are simple. Just click the toolbar to do all there is to do in the game, from building units to upgrading your age. The strategy comes into play when figuring out the best way to spend your gold, and which units to spawn. Certain units are more powerful against others, so you’ll need to take that into account, especially if you’re falling behind. You can spend experience to call down special abilities during opportunistic times, but to do this means you’re putting off your next age advancement. You’ll need to spend close attention to your strategy during play.


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